Monday, March 10, 2008

Aurangzebs of the state attacking hard-won freedoms

Aurangzebs of the state attacking hard-won freedoms

Here are two accounts. One is by V. Sundaram presenting the facts on Aurangzeb’s destruction of Hindu temples. The other is by Francois Gautier presenting the facts of culture (read communal) policing in Chennai which should attract appropriate legal and administrative sanctions, assuming that the rule of law is in vogue in the state.

When the fence eats away the field, who is to safeguard the crop?

The organizers of the exhibit should be complimented for awakening the nation to the faces of terror which have stalked the nation for several centuries.

A nation which forgets its past and does not draw lessons from the eveil deeds of the past rulers, the nation is likely to repeat its history.

Dhanyavaadah for the extraordinary courage and fortitude displayed by the organizers standing up to state terror mimicking the jihadi terrors -- of the past and ongoing.


Aurangazeb and Islamic compassion-II

V SUNDARAM | Mon, 10 Mar, 2008 , 02:50 PM
‘Aurangazeb as he was’ exhibition organized by FACT in Chennai showed two paintings about the destruction of Keshavarai Temple at Mathura carried out by Aurangazeb in Jan-Feb 1670 (See Exhibit 12 below) and how in its place a lofty Mosque was erected.
The idols, the author of Maasir-i-Alamgiri informs us, were carried to Agra and buried under the steps of the mosque built by Begum Sahiba in order to be continually trodden upon, and the name of Mathura was changed to Islamabad. The painting (See Exhibit 13 below) is thus no fancy imagination of the artist but depicts what actually took place.
Exhibits 12 and 13
The Muslim Invaders and Rulers of India belonged to different ages, races and parts of the globe. They spoke in different languages. But their behaviour-pattern remained and still remains consistently uniform. The very reason for such remarkable uniformity of behaviour lies in the Quran, the Hadis and the Sunnah which they quote and follow with pride. There are two aspects of the creed of Islam. One is the Doctrinal aspect as embodied in the Islamic Scriptures viz, the Holy Quran (The Revelation of Allah), the Hadis (The Revelation of the Prophet) and the Sunnah (The Way of Life as shown by the Prophet). The other is “Jihad” i.e. Islam in action. Both -these aspects are intertwined with one another and it is the Holy Quran that inspires, ordins and guides Jihad, the Islamic ‘struggle’ in the way of Allah.

The Islamic Jihad in every nook and corner of the world stands for the same – intolerance to and slaughter of non-Muslims, loot and arson of the ‘kafirs’ property and rape of their women. From the Mujaheeds of the battle of Badr to toda’s Osaama bin Laden, the spirit remains unchanged. And from the mutilation of Lt. Saurav Khalia to the Church-bomb-blast at Djakarta (25.12.2000) and New York World Trade Centre (11.9.2001) the pattern remains the same. Allah has said in the Quran “Slay the idolaters whenever you find them, and take them, confine them, and lie in weight for them in every place of ambush” (Surah 9: Ayat 5). Likewise we have in Surah 8: Ayat 39 this message: “Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme”. Apart from the religious Ordinances, Carnal gratification is another strong impetus that inspires a Mujaheed to participate in Jihad. There is assurance in Surah 78: Ayat 30 to the effect that if a Mujaheed gets killed, 72 Hauries (women of tender age with large round breasts) and 28 young boys weight to satiate his libido in Jannat (Paradise). The Holy Qural promises that “Surely for the God – fearing awaits a place of security, garden and vineyards and maidens with swelling bossoms.”

Will Durant, in his internationally acclaimed book “The Story of Civilization”, has stated: The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale for its evident moral is that Civilization is a precious good whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from outside are multiplying within.”

Swami Vivekananda presented the following picture of Islamic havoc in India as follows: “When the Muslims first came to India, there were according to their historical records, 60 crores of Hindus in India. This calculation suffers from under estimation than exaggeration; for lots of people perished through the persecution of the Muslims. But today the same Hindus have dwindled into 20 crores” (Complete Works, Volume V, PP 233).

Muslim Regimes, throughout the world have an unparallel record of terrorism and torture, murder and mayhem described in gory details by contemporary Muslim chroniclers themselves. Subjecting all non-Muslims to horrendous atrocities, plundering their wealth, abducting their women and destroying their places for worship—these munificent deeds have been considered sacred duties of every Muslim in Islamic theology and practice. Such acts of violence, inhuman torture and barbarism, have been inspired by the Quran itself which says” “Allah revealed His Will to the Angels saying ‘I shall be with you, give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, main them in every limb. “(Surah 8: Ayat 12)

Aurangazeb drew his inspiration for the destruction of Hindu Temples from the Quran. Sita Ram Goel in his authoritative work ‘Hindu Temples, What Happened to Them’ has given detailed epigraphic evidence regarding the destruction of Keshavarai Temple by Aurangazeb in Mathura. He cites from the Persian inscription reproduced and translated into English by F.S. Growse in his Mathura: A District Memoir (3rd Edition of 1883). Growse was District Collector of Mathura in 1883. Here is the epigraphic evidence:

“In the reign of Shah Alamgir Muhuddin Walmillah, the King of the World, Aurangazeb, who is adorned with justice, the lustre of Islam shone forth to the glory of God: for Abd-un-Nabi Khan built this beautiful Mosque. The second Holy Temple caused the idols to go down in worship. Truth came and error vanished.” This is how they described how a Mosque was erected at the same site where Keshavari Temple stood and which was demolished on Aurangazeb’s orders in Jan-Feb 1670.

In his path-breaking book HINDU MASJIDS’, Shri Prafull Goradia, a profound scholar and Former BJP Member of Parliament has fully documented the destruction of Hindu Temples by Muslim Rulers from 700 AD to the end of the 18th century. Aurangazeb comes out as a cruel, wicked and barbarous destroyer of Hindu Temples. I will be giving details from this book in these articles in serial form:

To quote the words of Prafull Goradia from his introduction: “Hindu Masjids personify the deep chasm, or the sharp conflict between the Hindu Ethos and Muslim Zoolatry. The conflict must be resolved. Why are we anxious? For the simple reason that without resolution, India cannot acquire the spirit of collective honour. And without national pride, the country cannot leap forward. Individual citizens may flourish or shine, as they do even now, whether at home or overseas. But the collective performance of the country disappoints.”
It is the bounden duty of all responsible citizens and historians to let the people of India know about the brutal and actual facts about their collective past. If an endeavour directed towards this nobel end can be viewed as a criminal act which tends to disturb or derange communal peace and harmony, then all that I can say is that such an attitude only smacks of a black-mailing form of terrorism. All true scholars and patriotic Indians should derive their inspiration from these words: “Without courage there can be no truth and without truth, there can be no other virtue”.

(An article by Francois Gautier which was published in the centre page of New Indian Express, 10-3-08)

Freedom gagged
by francois gautier

ON the March 7,2008, in Lalit Kala Academi, Chennai, Assistant Commissioner of Police K N Murali, took off the wall an exquisite miniature painting, which showed the destruc­tion of the Somnath temple (which has been razed six times) and threw it on the ground, shattering it. Then his men started removing all the paint­ings from the wall, further damaging many of them. On that day, the morale and the reputation of the Tamil Nadu police must have sunk to a new low: of bowing down to their master's wishes and those of a few fanatics, of forsaking moral decency and all the qualities that a police offi­cer should embody.

The previous day the Nawab of Arcot visited the exhibition and lashed out at FACT volunteers accusing them of "misrepresenting facts." He was particularly enraged by two miniatures — the first depicted Aurangzeb's army destroying the Somnath temple and the second showed the destruction of the Kesava Rai temple in Mathura. We are told that he has direct access to the CM's office and that orders to the police to clamp down on exhibition came down from there. Otherwise, Mr Murali would not have dared to go so far, so brazenly.

Soon, the nawab sent a group of goons, allegedly from TMMK (Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam) and MNP (Manitha Neethi Paasarai) to pick up arguments with the volun­teers, most of them elderly women from decent family backgrounds.
They came back again on 7th after­noon when I was there, screaming on, top of their voices in Tamil and in English that this exhibition was absolutely false and that unless it was closed immediately they would come back in force the next day (Fri­day) to break it down. I tried to rea­son with them, that these were all doc­uments from Government archives, that I could explain everything to them, that we could even debate on TV, but they shouted even louder and got more threatening. When all these arguments were going on the police did not bother to come up. (The hall is on the first floor.)

Then the goons closeted themselves with Mr Murali, two other offi­cers and Mr Palaniappan, the secre­tary of the LKA, in his office and when I barged in, Mr Murali told me he was closing down the exhibition. I decided to rush to the Commissioner's office in Egmore to plead for a stay order. But meanwhile Mr Murali swung into action: he terrorised the harmless ladies calling them "stooges of a white dog," threw two paintings on the ground and ordered his police­men to remove the rest. Then he arrested four volunteers (Mrs. Saraswathi, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi, Mrs. Malathi and Mr. B.R. Haran) and took them to the Thousand Lights police station. There ACP termed Mr. Fran­cois as a "Foreign Terrorist" and threatened to book the volunteers "for helping and assisting him to incite communal violence in the oth­erwise peaceful Tamil Nadu."

What was all the noise about? Lalit Kala Academi was showing an exhibi­tion: "Aurangzeb as he was accord­ing to his own records." This is an artistic exhibition on Aurangzeb, the great Mughal emperor using his own records and firmans (edicts), many of which are still preserved in Indian museums, such as the Bikaner archives.
Aurangzeb was truly a pious Muslim, copying the Koran himself, stitching Muslim skullcaps and enforcing strict laws, according to his own documents, which we were careful to show. How come Aurangzeb is such a hero with the Nawab of Arcot and his henchmen? Forget what he did to Hindus: re-imposing the humiliating jiziya tax, forbidding them from riding horses, elephants or palanquins and order­ing all temples destroyed (Among them the Krishna's birth temple in Mathura, the rebuilt Somnath temple on the coast of Gujarat, the Vishnu temple replaced with the Alamgir mosque now overlooking Benares and the Treta-ka-Thakur temple in Ayodhya), he was also a monster to his own family, having his father poi­soned, his two brothers killed, and imprisoning his own son.
This exhibition was sponsored by FACT, which I created in 2003, when I received at the hands of the Prime Minister in the Lok Sabha the Natchiketa Award of Excellence in Journalism. With the Prize money, my Indian wife Namrita and myself mounted an exhibition on the plight of the Kashmir! Pandits, four hundred thousand of them having become refugees in their own country.

This exhibition travelled around India and then in the world and was shown in Capitol Hill, Washington, in July 2005, leading to a bipartisan resolution on the Human Rights of the Kashmir! Pandits in the US Con­gress. Another exhibition on the per­secution of Hindus, Christians and Buddhists in Bangladesh was inau­gurated in Mumbai on November 18, 2006. We have also a huge show on Shivaji 'a Hero for Modern, India' in Mumbai on March 12 in Ravindra Natya Mandir.

A lot of historical research and artistic efforts have gone into the mak­ing of this exhibition. It is also an effort to help a dying craft, of the painters of Rajasthan, that of minia­ture painting. Each original painting, which portrays a historically documented incident in the times of Aurangzeb, has been done in the orig­inal Mughal style and is signed and dated. Professor V. S. Bhatnagar of the Rajasthan University, Jaipur, has con­tributed the historical research part.

We are hiring a lawyer to file a case on FACT's behalf on five counts:

1) Assistant Commissioner of Police K N Murali, took two of the paintings, which showed the destruc­tion of the Somnath temple and threw them on the ground. I hear six more paintings have been damaged and we have no news of the exhibition as it has been sealed. It costs 8 lakhs to do (all original miniature paintings not counting my time).

2) We paid LalitKalaAcademi a lot of money and they cancelled the show.

3) The police took in a police van three innocent ladies to the police station after 6 p.m. which is illegal.

4) The police totally sided with the goons, closeting themselves in the manager's office for one hour.

5) Mr Murali threatened the ladies repeatedly that they were 'terrorists.'

6} Lastly, we will file a case against Lalit Kala Academi for damage to our paintings, infringement upon our freedom of expression and we will demand that they reopen the exhibi­tion in their premises so that the people of Chennai may have the opportunity to make their own judg­ment about it.

This exhibition is not about raking up the past or "creating communal disharmony," it is about Indian chil­dren, Hindus and Muslims alike knowing their own past and making sure it does not happen again. For Aurangzeb's shadow and legacy is still very much present in India.

It was there in Kashmir when all the Hindus were forced by terror to leave their homeland; it is there when Indian Muslims help plant bombs in Mumbai trains, Varanasi, or Delhi; it was there in Chennai when a few Muslim rowdies hold at ransom an entire state and its political apparatus. This is why we had that exhibition.

Francois Gautier is political correspondent in South Asia for “LaFigaro” for eight years. He is now the editor in chief of Paris-based Le revue de l’Inde (


surinder attri said...

By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. Christianity ( like Islam ) claims superiority over Non-Christian religions & alleges that Christianity is a perfect religion. Diligently brainwashed with this delusion/deception, the Christians of Kandhamal are saying:
“ Don’t make poor little Christian Me suffer. We Christians are superior to Hindus, and Hindus are persecuting us for that reason.”
This is a very bad joke, because the Hindus don’t regard the Christians superior to Hindus. Hindus look upon the Christians as “ Mlecchas.” This term is considered a Put-Down expression , and sometimes even Racist, even though it is contextual at best.

2. But the problem is not terminology, the problem is bad-mouthing ad infinitum of Hinduism, by the Christian Missionaries, as well as their unlawful activities, to gain converts from the disadvantaged sections of the Hindu society. The problem is not un-equal wealth, among the various members of the Hindu society ( as sometimes declared by the Missionaries ). There are strong affirmative action programs, for the uplift of weaker sections of the Indian society, and there are plenty of opportunities for the citizens of India. The solution of the economic problems of the Indian society, neither requires the services of Missionaries, nor needs the mixing of religion with economics.

3. Christian Missionaries want an extension of the Reservation System, to the Converts, without giving up their Organized Conversion Activities. This is Not acceptable to the Hindus.
Christians cannot have it both ways, that is, the right of conversion as well as the privilege of reservation system.
Christian demand is also hypocritical, because Christianity claims to be a casteless religion, but wants the privileges of caste-based Hinduism. If Christianity wants extension of the Affirmative action to the Dalits ( Converts ), then it must first denounce Proselytism as a Pre-condition.

4. Christianity also sounds phoney when it mocks the caste system of the Hindus, but keeps totally ( and shrewdly ) quiet about what its scriptures say about the un-believers ( that is, the Non-Christians ), what kind of treatment they should get in this life, and what kind of punishment is in store for them in after-life. The institutionalized condemning of the rest of humanity ( that is, the Non-Christians ) to Hell, and treating them as unclean & inferior sub-humans, is much worse than the caste system of the Hindus, but the Christians go out of their way, to prevent any discussion of this issue, from taking place. This is a slick-trick that they play, while mocking the Hindu caste system, but keeping their big mouth shut, about the Institutionalized condemnation & in-equality of the believers & un-believers, that their religion slaps on humanity. There are also verses in the Bible, that describe how to treat the slaves, but no Christian talks about them.

5. Caste system is not integral to Hinduism. If caste system vanishes today ( and it is headed in that direction, although it will take a generation or two to get there ), Hinduism shall not be harmed in any way at all. But the differences between the believers ( the saved, clean, & privileged ) and the un-believers (doomed, unclean, & slaves ) are Absolutely-Central to Christianity, they cannot be taken out of Christianity. If theses differences are ever taken out, then the whole of Christianity would collapse, because then there is no rationale for the existence of Christianity. No Christian wants to talk about the True-Personality of Christianity ( because it does not look right ), its Ingrained-Inequality between the believers ( the Christians ) & the un-believers ( the rest of humanity ), and the utter condemnation of the Non-Christians, and the division of the entire humanity into two warring camps, that Christianity puts in place, is not any thing to write home about.

6. Inequality is the central tenet of Christianity, not of Hinduism. In Hinduism, everybody is empowered to attain salvation, based on his or her own Karma ( merit ). Christianity is political in nature & seeks to expand. It depends upon expansion to survive, we have seen it for centuries. It is not that we have not given Christianity a chance. Christianity has been given plenty of chances, and it has brought untold misery & suffering upon the populations far & wide. Two-thirds of Pagan-Europe was murdered by the soldiers of Jesus Christ during the Christianization of Europe, and 41 million native Americans of North & South America were murdered by the Christian Immigrants to North & South America.

If somebody desperately wants to pray to Jesus Christ, he can do so privately, no body even needs to know that he is doing so. But the usage of the church for expansion, is not just a matter of personal faith, it affects social stability, it is dangerous. The terrible historic record of Christianity ( Christianity is totally naked ), is more than enough to justify banning the conversion process. This ban along with massive Hindu effort to re-convert Christians to Hinduism, will end the problem of conversion in India.
7. Christianity has sinned more than Hinduism, in perpetuating inequality & social injustices against Dalit-Christians. In Indian Christian communities, caste system swings & sweeps far & wide. Caste discrimination takes many forms in Christian communities of India. There are some churches built specially for separate groups ( castes ). These places of worship retain their caste identity. Separate places are allotted in churches, usually the Christians of scheduled castes, occupy the rear of the church. A glaring example of caste distinction is found among the dead of the Christians. The dead of the Dalit-Christians are buried in separate cemeteries.

8. Out of 156 Catholic Bishops in India, 150 belong to upper caste Christians. Out of 12,500 Catholic Priests, only 500 are from the Dalit community, even though Dalits constitute 80% of the Indian Christian community. The control over the church, is in the hands of the 20 % upper caste Christians.
At least 10 million Dalit Christians of India, feel cheated by the church that converted them to Christianity, with the assurance that they would be given equal rights & status in the community.

9. To put it simply, Dalit-Christians are more un-touchable in Christianity, than they were in their original faith.
If any Christian sneers or scoffs at Hinduism, and talks about the inequality of Hindu caste system, you ought to tell him:
“ We know who you are, don’t play games with us. “

Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...

HANG-MAN HAZRAT, THE MEAN-MOHAMMAD: His Aggressive-Imperialism
HANG-MAN HAZRAT, THE MEAN-MOHAMMAD: His Aggressive-Imperialism
By S.P. Attri ( USA )
1. The Holy-War ( Jehad ) against Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ), started by Hangman- Hazrat some 1400 years ago, continues this day, beyond Hazrat’s grave. But the Phoney-Liberals of India and of the West, continue to ignore this aggressive-imperialism of Hangman-Hazrat. Islamic scholars point out that, the real purpose of Islam is to identify evil in the world, but in actual practice, what Moslems identify as evil in the world, are the Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) of the world, and the existence of this evil ( the hateful Kafirs ) cannot be overlooked by the Moslems. This is a distortion of the right orderliness, but it does not matter a bit to a Moslem, who does what he thinks his religion teaches him to do.

2. The Phoney-Liberals ( of India and of the West ) totally fail to grasp that, the aim of Hangman-Hazrat’s followers is, to destroy all the Non-Moslem religions/cultures of the world, and to forcibly bring them into Allah’s Islamic-Empire, via the Holy-War, which they label as Jehad. Dhimmi is the name given by Moslems to Kafirs ( Non-Moslem Infidels ) which includes Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other Kafirs.

3. The most noticeable feature of Hangman-Hazrat’s Islam, is its total unwillingness to subject its system, beliefs, and rules, to critical analysis, as well as its total opposition to toleration of alternative viewpoints. Concepts like rationalism, secularism, democracy, and human rights, have no business in Islam. In fact, darkness of illiteracy, ignorance, fundamentalism, corruption, and decadence, run rampant in practically all Islamic societies. In addition, half of the population of these lands ( the women ), continues to be brutally trampled upon, in the name of Allah, faith, and laws of Islamic Sharia. Women of Islam, who are suffering under the brutality of Islamic laws, are unable to break the fetters of slavery, that Islam imposes upon them. Will the women of Islam ever wake up, and arise from the humiliation and degradation, that Islam imposes upon them ?

4. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly came out with a declaration:
a. To separate church and state
b. To establish democracy
c. To abolish gender apartheid
d. To establish equality of sexes
Nearly all Islamic countries, are in total violation of UN declaration and guidelines of 1948. As a result, freedom of women has been sliced apart, and the horror of Islam’s cruelty on its women, continues unabated.

5. Question: What is so special about Quran, that makes it supersede the Universal Declaration of Freedom, issued by the UN General Assembly in 1948 ? In addition to women, Non-Moslem Infidels ( the so-called Kafirs ), are the victims of Islam’s religious apartheid, and Islam’s cruelty and intolerance continues without interruption.

Yet when you go and talk to any Moslem-Mullah, the first thing that he will tell you is, that “ Islam is the religion of peace.” What horse-sh** ? This has got to be the biggest distortion and falsehood. The entire history of Islam is bloody. Moslem murdered tens of thousands of Non-Moslem Kafirs, in broad daylight, again & again, and again & again. Mean-Mohammad, during his lifetime, had reduced the population of Jews to a bare minimum.

6. In spite of all this atrocious record, Mullahs ( and Moslems ) are not even bashful about telling us that:
“ Islam is the religion of peace. “
What a Joke ?

Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...

By S.P. Attri (USA)

1. Everything of significance that is undertaken in Islam, involves the
services of Islam's Greese-Monkeys. The greese-monkeys of Islam are:
Mullahs, Maulvies, Muftis, Qazis, and other members of Moslem-Clergy.
These monkeys are the only class of people in the whole of Islam, that is
educated in the doctrine of Islam and Quran (An average Moslem is neither
educated in Islam nor in Quran). The enormity of the role of Greese-Monkeys
cannot be judged from the look on their faces, but from the job that they do
on their Moslem-Followers.

Almost the entire job of indoctrinating (Educating in Islamic Law and Duty)
the Islamic-Followers is done by these humorless greese-monkeys, they are the
ones who produce the so-called heroes of Islam, the Jehadis. The Jehadis are
the Hit-Men and Mass-Killers of Islam, the greese-monkeys make sure that the
performance of Jehadis is upto standards of Islam. They do this by teaching
them how to fight in the ways of Allah, and how to establish Allah's Supremacy
over Non-Believers (Non-Moslem Kafirs/Infidels). They not only expose them to
the tenets of Islam, but also show them the green-gardens of Islam, tempting
them with after-death rewards that await a Jehadi in Janat (Moslem's
Paradise), this always includes choicest sex with 72 Houris. It is because of
such attractive rewards, shown to the Moslems by their Greese-Monkeys, that a
Moslem becomes ready to kill and get killed.

In both outcomes, the Moslem wins, he ends up in Janat. These rewards are sort
of "Eye For Eye" compensation for their sacrifices of undertaking Jehad in the
name of Allah, this Jehad always involves killing of Hateful-Kafirs (Non-
Moslem Infidels). In other words, the greese-monkeys teach Sullas, the gospel
of hate, the hate of Non-Moslems whom they label as Kafirs (Infidels).
And what is Jehad?

Jehad is the Perpetual-War that a Moslem engages against Kafirs, the Greese-
Monkeys convince the Moslem that:
"A person's biggest crime is to deny Allah and Mohammad's Exclusive Right To Be
Believed In And Adored."

2. It is from these greese-monkeys that a Moslem learns, his hatred of Non-
Moslem religions, and his attempts to deny Non-Moslems all rights, except the
right to serve their Moslem-Masters. There is little hatred that a Moslem can
learn, without the coachings from these Greese-Monkeys of Islam (That is why,
for practical purposes, breaking down these greese-monkeys is breaking down
Islam itself). This hatred is a sufficient factor, to inspire a Moslem to try
to raid and subjugate Non-Moslem territories (labelled as Dar-Ul-Harb/The
Battle-Ground). There is little that a Moslem can do without teachings and
services of these greese-monkeys, these greese-monkeys are the ones who keep
the Donkey-Engines of Islam going, and running at full blast. Essentially,
these greese-monkeys are the Sanctuaries of Islam. Eliminating this sanctuary
is eliminating Islam for practical purposes.

One Greese-Monkey influences the lives of at least 40,000 to 50,000 Sullas, at
least half of these Sullas are Potential-Jehadis.

Because of this ratio, disaster to greese-monkeys means catastrophe to Islam.
In other words, eliminating of Greese-Monkeys is sentencing Islam to death. In
fact, if 10,000 Greese-Monkeys of Islam are eliminated, then Islam wouldn't
last more than a week.

Why is Islam so fragile?

Answer: Because of the BASACKWARD-PYRAMID structure of Islam (as well as of
Christianity). This structure is stunning in its constitution and application.

NOTE: A full explanation of the BASACKWARD-PYRAMID of Islam/Christianity, is
beyond the scope of this message, which is intended to be kept short. I shall
write up a separate message to explain the Basackward-Structure of both

3. Given the absolute reality (fully backed by mathematical-probabilities)
that, you can NEVER completely eliminate Violence from the world, you can only
minimize it. A logical question becomes: Which is better, removal of 10,000
Greese-Monkeys of Islam or 140 million Sulla-Followers?

Why remove 140 million people later, if removing 10,000 now can accomplish the
same thing? Why expend more time, effort, and money than what is absolutely
necessary? Isn't it a smarter way of doing an effective, and more professional

4. In the fulfillment of his Karma, man has to do a wide variety of jobs. But
of all the jobs, the waging of war is the most unpleasant. If one can avoid
war, so much the better. But in the real world, situations arise in which
waging of wars becomes inevitable. In our world, in which there are always
aggressive people, who come to burn and loot your country and people, waging
of wars becomes inevitable and essential Karma of man, to defend his people
and the safety of his nation. The 1200 year long history of Muslim Rule in
India, is evidence of murder of hundreds of millions of Hindus by Barbarian-
Sullas, coached into action by these Greese-Monkeys of Islam. It is beyond
upsetting that we Hindus have learned neither any lesson of history, nor the
duty of our Karma, to defend our people. In defending his people, it becomes
the duty of a soldier, to wound and even to kill his enemy. There is an
absolute and essential need to implement that duty. That is the only way to
keep our Hindus people safe from assaults of career-barbarians (Sullas and

Isn't it obvious that instead of moaning and groaning, bitching and barking,
over tragedies of lost Hindu lives, we now need to figure ways to fend off
such tragedies in future.

5. We need to be aware that, our enemies (Sullas and Kharistas, together with
their Greese-Monkeys) are scarcely above the degree of savage life, their
respect for life is not very much, and violence comes natural to them,
murdering, looting, and raping Kafirs/Non-Moslem Infidels is their compulsive
trait. Their hatred of people of religions other than their own, is beyond
description. This hatred cannot be dissipated, because without this hatred,
there is no reason and no justification, for the existence of either Islam or
Christianity. If Islam and Christianity ever stopped hating other religions,
then that would be the end of both Islam and Christianity. It should be
obvious, that Moslems and Christians wouldn't choose to commit suicide, by
abandoning their hatred for other religions.

Consequently, this in-built hatred of other religions in both Islam and
Christianity, is guaranteed to continue, and their blood-thirsty violence
against these Kafir (Infidel) religions shall continue, it is foolish to
expect that Moslems and Christians shall abandon their well-established and
highly successful methods, just to be nice to other religions. In fact, this
kind of nicety towards other religions, does not come within the jurisdiction
of morality, as understood by Sullas and Kharistas. Much more likely is the
prospect that, colossal Sulla-Violence that occurred against Hindu during the
last 1200 years was just a skirmish, compared to what is yet to come. Sulla
Violence against Hindu is not over, it has not been defused, and it cannot be
defused. Instead of sleeping on the couch, we Hindus need to wake up, and
figure ways to beef up our security.

6. Can 10,000 Greese-Monkeys be replaced? Yes, some of them can certainly be,
no doubt there shall be serious attempts to replace all of them. But they
cannot be replaced much more often than once or twice. If we Hindus stay the
course and do the swift job of Greese-Monkey Elimination, then soon there
won't be many more Monkeys to go around, and that is the end of Islam, for
good. What Hindus are doing here is, to take the fight to the enemy, to the
site of Enemy's Power. They are eliminating the exporters of terror,
barbarism, and violence of Islam. They are eliminating the Sanctuary Of Islam.

7. Hindus must understand and understand it CLEARLY that, Sulla-Attacks
against Hindu are Not invited by Sulla-Strength, but by Perception Of Hindu-
Weakness, on the part of Sullas. We Hindus have been tested again and again by
Sullas (those Thugs, Terrorists, and Barbarians) for 1200 years, and dangers
to Hindus have not passed, in fact threats to Hindus have taken on a Nasty-
What this suggests is that:

It is an Act Of Absolute Decency (which involves absolute minimum loss of
human life), to remove 10,000 Greese-Monkeys now, rather than having to remove
140 millions Sullas later on (which shall surely be needed). The latter option
is a Dumber-Way of doing the same job, at much higher cost, with much greater
difficulty, and much greater loss of life.

8. It is a matter of common observation that, every job of significance
requires the right tool and right technique. We have made tremendous strides
in understanding the beast of Islam. We know where Islam is the weakest, we
know the location of the soft-underbelly of Islam. The soft-underbelly of
Islam is the class of Islam's Greese-Monkeys. For practical purposes, these
greese-monkeys are the Battle-Staff of Islam. These Monkeys have become too
big for their breeches, they need to be eliminated.

Hindus would be doing themselves a favor by hitting this soft-underbelly.
Immediately after we hit this soft-underbelly, something wonderful will happen
to Hinduism. War-Dance with Islam shall be over, and Islam shall be:
Out Of Circulation, For Good.

9. Hindus are smart people, they understand the value of time (you might have
heard that "time is money"). It behooves us Hindus to make Smart-Choices,
keep collateral damage to a minimum, apply focused and determined force, to
do the job that is required.

Hindus: Eliminate Greese-Monkeys Of Islam now.
Surinder Paul Attri

surinder attri said...


By S.P. Attri (USA)

1. Our Hindu people look upto to our Hindu Holy Men (HHMs), whom they extoll to
sky. But our HHMs are not doing a damn thing right, for the safety, security, or
survival of those who pay them so much respect. Their continued bearing as the
Head-Honchos of Hindus, is a fore-shadowing of worse things to come to Hinduism.
Our HHMs have no interest in dealing with either the evils of the world, or the
evils that have crept into our Hinduism. They are much more interested in
securing a place for themselves in the after-world, than in saving Hinduism from
going to hell.

2. Many of our HHMs, not only subscribe to the Pseudo-Secular politics, but are
also openly touting the Utterly Nonsensical Gandhian Slogans of:

The imapct of their actions cannot be good on Hinduism. They are not only
destroying the Kashatriya (Military) Spirit of the Hindu, but are also taking
the mind of the Hindu, away from Hinduism-Defense. Several of our HHMs are
openly praising Sonia Gandhi as:
Sonia is welcome to be the Prime Minister of India. She is a good woman.

3. Our HHMs have no knowledge of the problems and challenges, that Hinduism
faces in the world of today. They have less than zero understanding of the
consequences of the practice of our Perverted Caste-System. They have no
appreciation that every Hindu is equal, and that Dalits have as much right as
Non-Dalits, to enter any temple, and to chant Mantras and Bhajans, in any
temple, any where in India. Because they (our HHMs) do not have this
understanding, they are not going out in the Hindu-Society, to secure the
Hindu-Rights (Vedic-Rights) of our Dalit-Brethren.

We cannot ignore the damage that this attitude is doing to our Hinduism. Any HHM
who does not feel and work towards the equality of all Hindus, should be
IMMEDIATELY kicked out of his position as Shankar-Acharya, Swami, Priest, etc
etc, and helped out of the temple.

4. Whose duty is it to do this Dirty-Job? Answer: It is the duty of all of us
Hindus. All Hindu Organizations must aggressively move into tackling this
problem. They must kick out our Rotten HHMs, and replace them with the Right
Kind Of people, to act as our Head-Honchos. Time is running out for us Hindus,
the world is not going to wait for us Hindus, to get our act together. The world
has no hesitation, in spitting us and our Perverted Caste-System out, by the
forces of global competition. Our Perverted Caste-System is our own problem, our
own garbage, and it is our job, to clean our garbage. Our HHMs are the
Head-Honchos of our Hindu People, they are the ones who build and develop
Hindu-Opinions and Hindu-Attitudes. We must have the right kind of poeple to
develop Hindu-Attitudes, to clean out our Perverted Caste System.

Our Perverted Caste System is the cause of Disunity within our Hindu-Parivar.
The Barbarians of Islam and Christianity (who have murdered hundreds of millions
of Non-Moslems and Non-Christians), take advantage of our caste-based disunity.
They go to the weakest sections of our Hindu Society, as Liberators from

5. Elimination of our Perverted Caste-System, is a Wake-Up Call to all Hindus
(around the world). Our Knowledge-Based (Vidya-Based) Vedic System, has no place
for superstitions and blind-beliefs, of the type that are found massively, in
Islam and Christianity. Hinduism is knowledge-based, and is a Reform-Religion by
definition. We Hindus must kick out our Perverted Caste-System, that has
destroyed our Hindu-Technology for centuries.

Our Perverted Caste-System is BAD-BAD NEWS for our Hindu-Technology. Reason: It
is a Static-System, it keeps our Hindu-Technology at the same place, where it
has been for centuries. But the world in which we are living, is a
Highly-Dynamic World, in which technology is changing and advancing at
break-neck speed. We cannot afford to keep a Bullock-Cart Hindu Technology
System, in the world of airplanes and rockets. What we Hindus need to do is to
join hands, and get rid off the Bull-Sh** of our Perverted Caste-System. To do
that, the people that we appoint as our Head-Honchos, must be the Right Kind Of